Source code for kotti.views.cache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from logging import getLogger

from import subscriber
from import NewResponse
from pyramid.response import FileResponse
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import DetachedInstanceError

from kotti import get_settings
from import get_user

CACHE_POLICY_HEADER = 'x-caching-policy'

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def set_max_age(response, delta, cache_ctrl=None): """Sets max-age and expires headers based on the timedelta `delta`. If `cache_ctrl` is not None, I'll add items found therein to the Cache-Control header. Will overwrite existing values and preserve non overwritten ones. """ if cache_ctrl is None: cache_ctrl = {} seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 if seconds < 0: seconds = 0 now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() cache_ctrl.setdefault('max-age', seconds) # Preserve an existing cache-control header: existing = response.headers.get('cache-control') if existing: for e in [e.strip() for e in existing.split(',')]: kv = e.split('=') if len(kv) == 2: cache_ctrl.setdefault(kv[0], kv[1]) else: cache_ctrl.setdefault(kv[0]) # Render the cache-control header: cache_control_header = [] for key, value in sorted(cache_ctrl.items()): if value is None: cache_control_header.append(key) else: cache_control_header.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, value)) cache_control_header = ','.join(cache_control_header) response.headers['cache-control'] = cache_control_header response.headers['expires'] = (now + delta).strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
# This is our mapping of caching policies (X-Caching-Policy) to # functions that set the response headers accordingly: caching_policies = { 'Cache HTML': lambda response: set_max_age(response, datetime.timedelta(days=-1), cache_ctrl={'s-maxage': '3600'}), 'Cache Media Content': lambda response: set_max_age(response, datetime.timedelta(hours=4)), 'Cache Resource': lambda response: set_max_age(response, datetime.timedelta(days=32), cache_ctrl={'public': None}), 'No Cache': lambda response: set_max_age(response, datetime.timedelta(days=-1)), } def _safe_get_user(request): try: return get_user(request) except DetachedInstanceError: # XXX need to understand what's happening return not None def default_caching_policy_chooser(context, request, response): if request.method != 'GET' or response.status_int != 200: return None elif isinstance(response, FileResponse): return 'Cache Resource' elif _safe_get_user(request) is not None: return 'No Cache' elif response.headers['content-type'].startswith('text/html'): return 'Cache HTML' else: return 'Cache Media Content' def caching_policy_chooser(context, request, response): return get_settings()['kotti.caching_policy_chooser'][0]( context, request, response) @subscriber(NewResponse) def set_cache_headers(event): request, response = event.request, event.response # this can happen if a Pyramid tween will shortcut the normal tween # chain processing and return its own response early if not hasattr(event.request, 'context'): return context = event.request.context # If no caching policy was previously set (by setting the # CACHE_POLICY_HEADER header), we'll choose one at this point: caching_policy = response.headers.get(CACHE_POLICY_HEADER) if caching_policy is None: # noinspection PyBroadException try: caching_policy = caching_policy_chooser(context, request, response) except: # We don't want to screw up the response if the # caching_policy_chooser raises an exception. logger.exception("{0} raised an exception.".format( caching_policy_chooser)) if caching_policy is not None: response.headers[CACHE_POLICY_HEADER] = caching_policy # And here we'll set the headers for the caching policy: if caching_policy: caching_policies[caching_policy](response)
[docs]def includeme(config): """ Pyramid includeme hook. :param config: app config :type config: :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` """ config.scan(__name__)