Source code for kotti.resources

The :mod:`~kotti.resources` module contains all the classes for Kotti's
persistance layer, which is based on SQLAlchemy.

Inheritance Diagram

.. inheritance-diagram:: kotti.resources

import os
import warnings
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from UserDict import DictMixin

from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
from pyramid.traversal import resource_path
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import LargeBinary
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy import Unicode
from sqlalchemy import UnicodeText
from sqlalchemy import UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref
from sqlalchemy.orm import deferred
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql import and_
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
from transaction import commit
from zope.deprecation.deprecation import deprecated
from zope.interface import implements

from kotti import Base
from kotti import DBSession
from kotti import get_settings
from kotti import metadata
from kotti.interfaces import IContent
from kotti.interfaces import IDefaultWorkflow
from kotti.interfaces import IDocument
from kotti.interfaces import IFile
from kotti.interfaces import IImage
from kotti.interfaces import INode
from kotti.migrate import stamp_heads
from import has_permission
from import PersistentACLMixin
from import view_permitted
from kotti.sqla import ACLType
from kotti.sqla import JsonType
from kotti.sqla import MutationList
from kotti.sqla import NestedMutationDict
from kotti.util import _
from kotti.util import camel_case_to_name
from kotti.util import command
from kotti.util import get_paste_items
from kotti.util import Link
from kotti.util import LinkParent
from kotti.util import LinkRenderer

[docs]class ContainerMixin(object, DictMixin): """Containers form the API of a Node that's used for subitem access and in traversal. """ def __setitem__(self, key, node): key = = unicode(key) self.children.append(node) def __delitem__(self, key): node = self[unicode(key)] self.children.remove(node) DBSession.delete(node)
[docs] def keys(self): """ :result: A list of children names. :rtype: list """ return [ for child in self.children]
def __getitem__(self, path): DBSession()._autoflush() if not hasattr(path, '__iter__'): path = (path,) path = [unicode(p) for p in path] # Optimization: don't query children if self._children already there: if '_children' in self.__dict__: first, rest = path[0], path[1:] try: [child] = filter(lambda ch: == path[0], self._children) except ValueError: raise KeyError(path) if rest: return child[rest] else: return child if len(path) == 1: try: return DBSession.query(Node).filter_by( name=path[0], parent=self).one() except NoResultFound: raise KeyError(path) # We have a path with more than one element, so let's be a # little clever about fetching the requested node: nodes = Node.__table__ conditions = [ ==] alias = nodes for name in path: alias, old_alias = nodes.alias(), alias conditions.append(alias.c.parent_id == conditions.append( == name) expr = select([], and_(*conditions)) row = DBSession.execute(expr).fetchone() if row is None: raise KeyError(path) return DBSession.query(Node).get( @hybrid_property def children(self): """Return *all* child nodes without considering permissions.""" return self._children
[docs] def children_with_permission(self, request, permission='view'): """ Return only those children for which the user initiating the request has the asked permission. :param request: current request :type request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` :param permission: The permission for which you want the allowed children :type permission: str :result: List of child nodes :rtype: list """ return [ c for c in self.children if has_permission(permission, c, request) ]
class LocalGroup(Base): __tablename__ = 'local_groups' __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('node_id', 'principal_name', 'group_name'), ) id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True) node_id = Column(ForeignKey('')) principal_name = Column(Unicode(100)) group_name = Column(Unicode(100)) def __init__(self, node, principal_name, group_name): self.node = node self.principal_name = principal_name self.group_name = group_name def copy(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('node', self.node) kwargs.setdefault('principal_name', self.principal_name) kwargs.setdefault('group_name', self.group_name) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs]class Node(Base, ContainerMixin, PersistentACLMixin): """Basic node in the persistance hierarchy. """ implements(INode) __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('parent_id', 'name'), ) __mapper_args__ = dict( polymorphic_on='type', polymorphic_identity='node', with_polymorphic='*', ) #: Primary key for the node in the DB #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True) #: Lowercase class name of the node instance #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.String`) type = Column(String(30), nullable=False) #: ID of the node's parent #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) parent_id = Column(ForeignKey('')) #: Position of the node within its container / parent #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) position = Column(Integer()) _acl = Column(MutationList.as_mutable(ACLType)) #: Name of the node as used in the URL #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) name = Column(Unicode(50), nullable=False) #: Title of the node, e.g. as shown in serach results #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) title = Column(Unicode(100)) #: Annotations can be used to store arbitray data in a nested dictionary #: (:class:`kotti.sqla.NestedMustationDict`) annotations = Column(NestedMutationDict.as_mutable(JsonType)) #: The path can be used to efficiently filter for child objects #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`). Its set to a length of 767 #: by default because MySQL doesn't allow indexes on columns that #: are larger than 767 bytes (by default). path = Column(Unicode(1000), index=True) parent = relation( 'Node', remote_side=[id], backref=backref( '_children', collection_class=ordering_list('position'), order_by=[position], cascade='all', ) ) local_groups = relation( LocalGroup, backref=backref('node'), cascade='all', ) def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, title=u"", annotations=None, **kwargs): """Constructor""" super(Node, self).__init__(**kwargs) if annotations is None: annotations = {} self.parent = parent = name self.title = title self.annotations = annotations @property def __name__(self): return @property def __parent__(self): return self.parent @__parent__.setter def __parent__(self, value): self.parent = value def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s at %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, resource_path(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Node) and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other copy_properties_blacklist = ( 'id', 'parent', 'parent_id', '_children', 'local_groups', '_tags')
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """ :result: A copy of the current instance :rtype: :class:`~kotti.resources.Node` """ children = list(self.children) copy = self.__class__() for prop in object_mapper(self).iterate_properties: if prop.key not in self.copy_properties_blacklist: setattr(copy, prop.key, getattr(self, prop.key)) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(copy, key, value) for child in children: copy.children.append(child.copy()) return copy
[docs]class TypeInfo(object): """TypeInfo instances contain information about the type of a node. You can pass arbitrary keyword arguments in the constructor, they will become instance attributes. The most common are: - name - title - add_view - addable_to - edit_links - selectable_default_views - uploadable_mimetypes """ addable_to = () selectable_default_views = () uploadable_mimetypes = () edit_links = () action_links = () # BBB def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'action_links' in kwargs: msg = ("'action_links' is deprecated as of Kotti 0.10. " "'edit_links' includes 'action_links' and should " "be used instead.") edit_links = kwargs.get('edit_links') last_link = edit_links[-1] if edit_links else None if isinstance(last_link, LinkParent): last_link.children.extend(kwargs['action_links']) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) else: raise ValueError(msg) self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """ :result: a copy of the current TypeInfo instance :rtype: :class:`~kotti.resources.TypeInfo` """ d = self.__dict__.copy() d.update(kwargs) return TypeInfo(**d)
[docs] def addable(self, context, request): """ :param context: :type context: Content or subclass thereof (or anything that has a type_info attribute of type :class:`~kotti.resources.TypeInfo`) :param request: current request :type request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` :result: True if the type described in 'self' may be added to 'context', False otherwise. :rtype: Boolean """ if view_permitted(context, request, self.add_view): return in self.addable_to else: return False
[docs] def add_selectable_default_view(self, name, title): """Add a view to the list of default views selectable by the user in the UI. :param name: Name the view is registered with :type name: str :param title: Title for the view for display in the UI. :type title: unicode or TranslationString """ self.selectable_default_views.append((name, title))
[docs] def is_uploadable_mimetype(self, mimetype): """ Check if uploads of the given MIME type are allowed. :param mimetype: MIME type :type mimetype: str :result: Upload allowed (>0) or forbidden (0). The greater the result, the better is the match. E.g. ``image/*`` (6) is a better match for ``image/png`` than `*` (1). :rtype: int """ match_score = 0 for mt in self.uploadable_mimetypes: if fnmatch(mimetype, mt): if len(mt) > match_score: match_score = len(mt) return match_score
[docs]class Tag(Base): """Basic tag implementation. Instances of this class are just the tag itself and can be mapped to instances of :class:`~kotti.resources.Content` (or any of its descendants) via instances of :class:`~kotti.resources.TagsToContents`. """ #: Primary key column in the DB #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: Title of the tag #: :class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` title = Column(Unicode(100), unique=True, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return "<Tag ('%s')>" % self.title @property
[docs] def items(self): """ :result: :rtype: list """ return [rel.item for rel in self.content_tags]
[docs]class TagsToContents(Base): """Tags to contents mapping """ __tablename__ = 'tags_to_contents' #: Foreign key referencing :attr:`` #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) tag_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: Foreign key referencing :attr:`` #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) content_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: Relation that adds a ``content_tags`` :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.backref` #: to :class:`~kotti.resources.Tag` instances to allow easy access to all #: content tagged with that tag. #: (:func:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`) tag = relation(Tag, backref=backref('content_tags', cascade='all')) #: Ordering position of the tag #: :class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer` position = Column(Integer, nullable=False) #: title of the associated :class:`~kotti.resources.Tag` instance #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy.association_proxy`) title = association_proxy('tag', 'title') @classmethod def _tag_find_or_create(cls, title): """ Find or create a tag with the given title. :param title: Title of the tag to find or create. :type title: unicode :result: :rtype: :class:`~kotti.resources.TagsToContents` """ with DBSession.no_autoflush: tag = DBSession.query(Tag).filter_by(title=title).first() if tag is None: tag = Tag(title=title) return cls(tag=tag)
def _not_root(context, request): return not context is get_root() default_type_info = TypeInfo( name=u'Content', title=u'type_info title missing', # BBB add_view=None, addable_to=[], edit_links=[ Link('contents', title=_(u'Contents')), Link('edit', title=_(u'Edit')), Link('share', title=_(u'Share')), LinkParent(title=_(u'Actions'), children=[ Link('copy', title=_(u'Copy')), Link('cut', title=_(u'Cut'), predicate=_not_root), Link('paste', title=_(u'Paste'), predicate=get_paste_items), Link('rename', title=_(u'Rename'), predicate=_not_root), Link('delete', title=_(u'Delete'), predicate=_not_root), LinkRenderer('default-view-selector'), ]), ], selectable_default_views=[ ("folder_view", _(u"Folder view")), ], )
[docs]class Content(Node): """Content adds some attributes to :class:`~kotti.resources.Node` that are useful for content objects in a CMS. """ implements(IContent) @classproperty def __mapper_args__(cls): return dict(polymorphic_identity=camel_case_to_name(cls.__name__)) #: Primary key column in the DB #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: Name of the view that should be displayed to the user when #: visiting an URL without a explicit view name appended #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.String`) default_view = Column(String(50)) #: Description of the content object. In default Kotti this is #: used e.g. in the description tag in the HTML, in the search results #: and rendered below the title in most views. #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) description = Column(UnicodeText()) #: Language code (ISO 639) of the content object #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) language = Column(Unicode(10)) #: Owner (username) of the content object #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) owner = Column(Unicode(100)) #: Workflow state of the content object #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.String`) state = Column(String(50)) #: Date / time the content was created #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.DateTime`) creation_date = Column(DateTime()) #: Date / time the content was last modified #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.DateTime`) modification_date = Column(DateTime()) #: Shall the content be visible in the navigation? #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`) in_navigation = Column(Boolean()) _tags = relation( TagsToContents, backref=backref('item'), order_by=[TagsToContents.position], collection_class=ordering_list("position"), cascade='all, delete-orphan', ) #: Tags assigned to the content object (list of str) tags = association_proxy( '_tags', 'title', creator=TagsToContents._tag_find_or_create, ) #: type_info is a class attribute (:class:`TypeInfo`) type_info = default_type_info def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, title=u"", annotations=None, default_view=None, description=u"", language=None, owner=None, creation_date=None, modification_date=None, in_navigation=True, tags=None, **kwargs): super(Content, self).__init__( name, parent, title, annotations, **kwargs) self.default_view = default_view self.description = description self.language = language self.owner = owner self.in_navigation = in_navigation # These are set by events if not defined at this point: self.creation_date = creation_date self.modification_date = modification_date self.tags = tags or [] def copy(self, **kwargs): # Same as `Node.copy` with additional tag support. kwargs['tags'] = self.tags return super(Content, self).copy(**kwargs)
[docs]class Document(Content): """Document extends :class:`~kotti.resources.Content` with a body and its mime_type. In addition Document and its descendants implement :class:`~kotti.interfaces.IDefaultWorkflow` and therefore are associated with the default workflow (at least in unmodified Kotti installations). """ implements(IDocument, IDefaultWorkflow) #: Primary key column in the DB #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: Body text of the Document #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) body = Column(UnicodeText()) #: MIME type of the Document #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.String`) mime_type = Column(String(30)) #: type_info is a class attribute #: (:class:`~kotti.resources.TypeInfo`) type_info = Content.type_info.copy( name=u'Document', title=_(u'Document'), add_view=u'add_document', addable_to=[u'Document'], ) def __init__(self, body=u"", mime_type='text/html', **kwargs): super(Document, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.body = body self.mime_type = mime_type
[docs]class File(Content): """File adds some attributes to :class:`~kotti.resources.Content` that are useful for storing binary data. """ implements(IFile) #: Primary key column in the DB #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: The binary data itself #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.LargeBinary`) _data = deferred(Column("data", LargeBinary())) #: The filename is used in the attachment view to give downloads #: the original filename it had when it was uploaded. #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Unicode`) filename = Column(Unicode(100)) #: MIME type of the file #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.String`) mimetype = Column(String(100)) #: Size of the file in bytes #: (:class:`sqlalchemy.types.Integer`) size = Column(Integer()) type_info = Content.type_info.copy( name=u'File', title=_(u'File'), add_view=u'add_file', addable_to=[u'Document'], selectable_default_views=[], uploadable_mimetypes=['*', ], ) def __init__(self, data=None, filename=None, mimetype=None, size=None, **kwargs): super(File, self).__init__(**kwargs) = data self.filename = filename self.mimetype = mimetype self.size = size @reify def store(self): return get_settings()['kotti.blobstore'] @hybrid_property def data(self): if == 'db': return self._data else: return @data.setter def data(self, value): if == 'db': self._data = value else: if self._data is not None: self._data = def _delete(self): if != 'db': if self._data is not None: @classmethod
[docs] def from_field_storage(cls, fs): """ Create and return an instance of this class from a file upload through a webbrowser. :param fs: FieldStorage instance as found in a :class:`pyramid.request.Request`'s ``POST`` MultiDict. :type fs: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` :result: The created instance. :rtype: :class:`kotti.resources.File` """ data = filename = fs.filename mimetype = fs.type size = len(data) if not cls.type_info.is_uploadable_mimetype(mimetype): raise ValueError("Unsupported MIME type: %s" % mimetype) return cls(data=data, filename=filename, mimetype=mimetype, size=size)
[docs]class Image(File): """Image doesn't add anything to :class:`~kotti.resources.File`, but images have different views, that e.g. support on the fly scaling. """ implements(IImage) id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) type_info = File.type_info.copy( name=u'Image', title=_(u'Image'), add_view=u'add_image', addable_to=[u'Document'], selectable_default_views=[], uploadable_mimetypes=['image/*', ], )
[docs]def get_root(request=None): """Call the function defined by the ``kotti.root_factory`` setting and return its result. :param request: current request (optional) :type request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` :result: a node in the node tree :rtype: :class:`~kotti.resources.Node` or descendant; """ return get_settings()['kotti.root_factory'][0](request)
[docs]def default_get_root(request=None): """Default implementation for :func:`~kotti.resources.get_root`. :param request: Current request (optional) :type request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` :result: Node in the object tree that has no parent. :rtype: :class:`~kotti.resources.Node` or descendant; in a fresh Kotti site with Kotti's :func:`default populator <kotti.populate.populate>` this will be an instance of :class:`~kotti.resources.Document`. """ return DBSession.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).one()
def initialize_sql(engine, drop_all=False): DBSession.registry.clear() DBSession.configure(bind=engine) metadata.bind = engine if drop_all or os.environ.get('KOTTI_TEST_DB_STRING'): metadata.reflect() metadata.drop_all(engine) # Allow users of Kotti to cherry pick the tables that they want to use: settings = get_current_registry().settings tables = settings['kotti.use_tables'].strip() or None if tables: tables = [metadata.tables[name] for name in tables.split()] if == 'mysql': # pragma: no cover from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import LONGBLOB = LONGBLOB() # We disable the Node.path index for Mysql; in some conditions # the index can't be created for columns even with 767 bytes, # the maximum default size for column indexes Node.__table__.indexes = set( index for index in Node.__table__.indexes if != u"ix_nodes_path") # Allow migrations to set the 'head' stamp in case the database is # initialized freshly: if not engine.table_names(): stamp_heads() metadata.create_all(engine, tables=tables) if os.environ.get('KOTTI_DISABLE_POPULATORS', '0') not in ('1', 'y'): for populate in get_settings()['kotti.populators']: populate() commit() return DBSession
[docs]def migrate_blobs(from_db=False, to_db=False): """ Perform migration of BLOBs between different storage providers. :param from_db: Perform a BLOB migration **from** the DB to another provider :type from_db: bool :param to_db: Perform a BLOB migration from another provider **to** the DB :type to_db: bool """ if (from_db and to_db) or not (from_db or to_db): raise ValueError("Either from_db or to_db must be True (but not both).") # Iterate over all File content for f in File.query.all(): if from_db: # get the BLOB directly from the DB column data = f._data # set the DB column's value to None to prevent triggering of the # provider's delete method f._data = None # assign the BLOB through the attribute setter = data if to_db: # read the provider ID which ist currently the value of the # DB column id = f._data # directly set the DB columns value to the BLOB from the # property getter f._data = # call the provider's delete method
def migrate_blobs_command(): # pragma: no cover __doc__ = """ Migrate BLOBs between the blobstore configured in the config file and the DB. Make sure you have a backup of your data and you know what you're doing. RUNNING THIS COMMAND WITH THE SAME OPTIONS TWICE IN A ROW WILL CAUSE PERMANENT LOSS OF DATA! Usage: kotti-migrate-blobs <config_uri> --from-db kotti-migrate-blobs <config_uri> --to-db Options: --from-db Migrate FROM the DB TO the provider configured in your config --to-db Migrate TO the DB FROM the provider configured in your config -h --help Show this screen. """ def callback(arguments): migrate_blobs( from_db=arguments['--from-db'], to_db=arguments['--to-db']) commit() return command(callback, __doc__) # BBB for iface in ("INode", "IContent", "IDocument", "IFile", "IImage", "IDefaultWorkflow"): deprecated(iface, "%s has been moved to kotti.interfaces as of Kotti 0.8. " "Import from there instead." % iface)