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Using Kotti as a libraryΒΆ

Instead of taking control of your application, and delegating to your extension, you may use Kotti in applications where you define the main entry point yourself.

You’ll anyway still need to call kotti.base_configure from your code to set up essential parts of Kotti:

default_settings = {
    'pyramid.includes': 'myapp myapp.views',
    'kotti.authn_policy_factory': 'myapp.authn_policy_factory',
    'kotti.base_includes': (
        'kotti kotti.views kotti.views.login kotti.views.users'),
    'kotti.use_tables': 'orders principals',
    'kotti.populators': 'myapp.resources.populate',
    'kotti.principals_factory': 'myapp.security.Principals',
    'kotti.root_factory': 'myapp.resources.Root',
    'kotti.site_title': 'Myapp',

def main(global_config, **settings):
    settings2 = default_settings.copy()
    config = kotti.base_configure(global_config, **settings2)
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

The above example configures Kotti so that its user database and security subsystem are set up. Only a handful of tables (kotti.use_tables) and a handful of Kotti’s views (kotti.base_includes) are activated. Furthermore, our application is configured to use a custom root factory (root node) and a custom populator.

In your PasteDeploy configuration you’d then wire up your app directly, maybe like this:

use = egg:myapp
pyramid.includes = pyramid_tm
mail.default_sender = yourname@yourhost
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/myapp.db
kotti.secret = secret

use = egg:fanstatic#fanstatic

pipeline =

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