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Locale-specific normalization of titles to URLs

Kotti normalizes document titles to URLs by stripping away language specific characters like umlauts or accented characters. This is often undesirable. If you want a locale-specific normalization of titles, you have to configure the package plone.i18n which is used by Kotti for the normalization task.

To configure plone.i18n, you have to use ZCML. Fortunately, plone.i18n comes with normalizers for many different locales, so you often don’t have to implement one by yourself. You simply have to activate them by loading plone.i18n‘s main ZCML file.

ZCML configuration is not supported out of the box, you first have to install the pyramid_zcml package. To load plone.i18n‘s configuration, you also have to install the package zope.browserresource.

To install the packages in a virtualenv:

bin/pip install pyramid_zcml
bin/pip install zope.browserresource

Alternatively, list these as dependencies in your package’s setup.py.

You can then load plone.i18n‘s configuration via your own ZCML file. For this, create a package which contains a configure.zcml like this:

<configure xmlns="http://pylonshq.com/pyramid">
  <include package="pyramid_zcml" />
  <include package="zope.browserresource" file="meta.zcml" />
  <include package="zope.browserresource" />
  <include package="plone.i18n" />

To load your configure.zcml on startup, you have to add a startup hook. For example, add a config.py to your package:

def includeme(config):

Setup your locale and the hook with the following settings in your INI file:

pyramid.default_locale_name = de
pyramid.includes = mypackage.config.includeme

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Use a different template for the front page (or any other page)

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